Our experience and careful attitude become the very guarantee you may trust. We know that fertile eggs are to be stored in a proper way and with appropriate care in order for them to hatch in an incubator or brooder. We are also aware that your broilers need clean water, 100% natural whole-dried mealworms and comfortable Poultry Housing or Chick...
Our experience and careful attitude become the very guarantee you may trust. We know that fertile eggs are to be stored in a proper way and with appropriate care in order for them to hatch in an incubator or brooder. We are also aware that your broilers need clean water, 100% natural whole-dried mealworms and comfortable Poultry Housing or Chicken Coops. That’s why we constantly renew our assortment of the proposed goods and are ready to supply your chickens with all they need. Only best and well tested poultry equipment is represented on our website.
Bebedero fabricado en aluminio o en plastico ABS. Este bebedero trabaja con un nivel constante de agua que puede ser regulado mediante su valvula de alta presión. Se fija a la pared y dispone de un tapón para su facil vaciado y posterior limpieza. Bebedero fabricado en aluminio o en plastico ABS. Este bebedero trabaja con...
Nuestros bebederos para pequeños animales son totalmente automáticos y mantienen un nivel constante de agua gracias a su válvula de baja presión. Fabricados en aluminio lacado o pintado junto con un protector para sú valvula elaborado en acero inoxidable. Estos bebederos son de aluminio fundido con una protección que evita la rápida corrosión del mismo.... Nuestros bebederos para pequeños animales son totalmente automáticos y...